Xploration Health® was spun out of Baylor College of Medicine to commercialize the Smart Pod® platform.
Where we started
In the wake of the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa, the Smart Pod was developed by Baylor Global Health at Baylor College of Medicine to help healthcare workers on the front lines provide timely and better care to patients to prevent the spread of Ebola.
One of 12 winners of the USAID Ebola Grand Challenge, the first Smart Pod was deployed in Monrovia, Liberia as an independent, self-sufficient (autonomous power/water/telecommunications) hospital ward. This Smart Pod initially provided isolation capacity for infectious patients and was subsequently used for providing cataract surgeries for Ebola survivors (and the pod is currently used as an isolation clinic for patients with infectious diseases).
Baylor Global Health was also one of seven awardees selected from Vulcan Inc.’s Paul G. Allen Ebola Program, and one of three awardees to receive funding for emergency infrastructure and logistics, a critical challenge in any disaster response or infectious disease spread situation. Through this award, two Smart Pod laboratories (a BSL-2 laboratory and a BSL-3 laboratory, which were connected together) and one Smart Pod pharmacy were donated to the University of Liberia where these facilities are currently being used for the training of microbiology and virology students and laboratory personnel, with the goal of increasing laboratory and diagnostic capacity in West Africa.
Xploration Health History
Xploration Health Today
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, two Smart Pod isolation clinics have been designed and deployed in Precinct 2 of Harris County, Texas as a solution to provide care management of patients with symptoms of COVID-19 and more recently to serve as vaccination clinics. These units leverage knowledge gained in the development of the Ebola laboratories and use advanced airflow technologies to minimize the risk of disease transmission from airborne pathogens. Harris County Precinct 2, nearly all of which is comprised of medically underserved areas, was named one of six winners of American City & County’s 2020 Crown Communities Awards for its deployment of our Smart Pods.
With multiple Smart Pod facilities deployed, more deployments in progress and several Smart Pod clinical applications already designed, Xploration Health is poised to make a truly meaningful difference in enhancing public health around the world.